Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New routines, new passions...

It's been so long since I've posted much. There is so much going on. Okay, not really, I've just been placing other things ahead of blogging in my list of priorities.

Just a quick update for my readers.

Patrick and I are in our fourth week of mostly consistent exercise. The alarm goes off at 5:15 am and we eventually make it to the YMCA by 5:45 or so. It has been hard, but I feel much better. I haven't lost weight yet, but have so much more energy and feel great. It also jump starts my day.

Usually, we come home and I make breakfast burritos. Then, after Patrick leaves, I try to do work around the house or do my grocery shopping. I admit, there are some days where I just sit in a trance in front of the computer catching up on my favorite presidential candidate and reading my favorite bloggers (you know who you are). But, eventually I do get some work done. Some is always better than none... Right?

I'll quit with the boring stuff.

NEWS UPDATE: Patrick will be auditioning for the Army Band again next week. Probably on Feb. 15th while we are at convention in San Antonio. In case you weren't aware, he passed an audition last spring, but failed the hearing test during Medical Processing. So, after a miraculous surgery to repair his hearing, and another important sinus surgery that he needed, he is going to re-audition. If he passes the audition, he will have 45 days to go through processing again. We should know a bit more about our future by April.

Well, I have to go catch-up on a new passion of mine: the election. Never in my life have I cared about the election this early in the game, but I am very passionate about my candidate. I also never have been so frustrated by the voting process and the liberal media. I hope Texas gets a chance to say something in this process. How un-American and un-Democratic (not the party-the type of government)is it when most of Americans don't even get a say in the nomination experience because of the whole delegate zoo? Why don't we choose the nominee like we choose the actual president?

Here I go... I've already said more than I should. So, let me say bye-bye for now!

And, even though I'd never tell my readers what they should think... I am entitled to share my opinion:

GO, MIKE, GO!!!!

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