Friday, February 29, 2008

The Absurdity of Human Expectations: Translation - You expected me to do/think/feel what?

I realize that I am not old enough to be considered wise. I certainly don't claim to be a sage. So, if what I have to say is full of holes, then please let me know.

In my relatively short life, I have noticed that the majority of human conflict and disappointment is caused by unmet expectations. These expectations are often too high and unattainable, or worse, they are never made known to the people or groups they are placed upon. One of the common situations in which we display such error in judgment is in our marriages. I am sure I'm not the only one who has placed undue expectations upon my unknowing spouse, only to act hurt when he doesn't meet them. If you don't identify with me, then please keep your perfection to yourself.

As unfair as it is for me to judge my spouse based on my secret expectations, it is equally unfair for strangers to hold any of us to any secret expectations. It is even more reprehensible when family members do this to us.

Have you ever taken a test without knowing what would be on it? Have you ever gone to a movie without having some foreknowledge of the plot or the characters? Do you ever go in for a job interview without first knowing what the job is?

If you answered any of those questions with "NO," then it must be because the more you know of what to expect, the more you can prepare!

Now, what does it all mean? Let's face it - when people get upset with us because we didn't meet their secret expectations, there really is no way to win. How can we be expected to make anyone happy, or at minimum, not angry. I guess the only way to avoid such conflict is to avoid the situations that create it. Or, we could cease to have hidden expectations and simply love people for who they are (faults and all). You would think that in a family, this would be a given - an absolute - a DUH! Unfortunately, we are humans. And humans fail.

God has given us His forgiveness when we do not meet His expectations. The big difference is that God has given us His specific expectations in his word! Knowing what God expects of us can be found through reading the Bible and through hearing Him speak to us. He has a right to be disappointed. He's the only one who can determine if I'm living up to them or not, because He created the expectations! I have no excuse for not doing what I've been instructed to do. However, unlike God's expectations for me, I cannot meet human expectations that have not been made known to me.

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