Wednesday, December 19, 2007

We Made It!

We made it home from our RV Road Trip! The picture above (I know, the quality is not that swell) was taken right before we departed from Virginia on Sunday morning at 8:30 am. Our time in Virginia was wonderful...

We left Texas on Wednesday at 4:30 pm. After we fought Dallas rush hour for a full hour, we were under way. We stopped in Arkansas to pick up my grandparents and continued on our journey. Basically, the five us who were able to drive each took a four to five hour turn driving. If we weren't driving, we played video games -mainly Guitar Hero- or just tried to sleep. About 22 hours later, we arrived at my brother's house. Needless to say, we basically crashed for the rest of the day.

On Friday, we each took turns running errands or being lazy. After some morning shopping, Danny and Mason installed some outdoor lighting that Mason had been needing to finish. Patrick and Sarah went on a longer-than-planned outing to purchase Mason's graduation/Christmas gift. Later, all the ladies went clothes shopping at our favorite store. The best news of that trip was that I had way over spent my clothing budget and purchased a total of $260.00 worth of clothing. However, our fabulous cashier saw to it that I received a whole lot of undue discounts. I left there only paying $117.00. Merry Christmas to me! Friday night, Sarah's family came over and we had a small graduation party for Mason. We also did our big Christmas gift celebration at that time.

Saturday, we all got up early to make the three hour trip to Averett University for Mason's graduation ceremony. He received his Master's in Business Administration. After the three hour trip home, we all just spent time being lazy. Sarah provided a super Christmas meal for dinner. Then, the kids (that's all of us under 50) piled into a vehicle to take a Christmas light tour and stop at our favorite ice cream place, Brewster's. It's amazing... we stopped for ice cream in freezing cold temps. WE are so crazy!

Sunday morning, we woke up and started packing the RV. We were on the road at 8:30 am. About three hours into our trip, we ran into a snow storm. The further we drove, the thicker the snow got. As we came into Tennessee, we could see the snow that had already fallen. The video that is below shows the beginning of the snow. My batteries were dead by the time we saw the beautiful white stuff on the roads and hillsides.

We stopped in Arkansas at about 2:00 am Monday morning to let my grandparents out. At about 6:00 am Monday, we pulled into Danny and Melody's apartment complex. We were all so totally exhausted. Despite the fatigue, we had a super great time. I'd recommend the RV thing to anyone. But, we did break a few the one that says everyone must be seated and buckled in while the vehicle is in motion...OOPS!


Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds awesome, and I love your grandparents. They were just hanging out, while everyone else did what they wanted. I just wish I had grandparents who were so inspiring as they are.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

I loved watching the video. I am glad you got the camcorder just in time.


Julie said...

What a hoot! Thanks for sharing the video! I'm so glad y'all got there and back OK. (And congrats to Mason, too!)