Thursday, November 8, 2007

Taking the Next Step...

This week has been about taking steps. I am not sure what God is trying to teach me on this treadmill of life, but sometimes I feel like I'm only taking baby steps. Other times, I feel like I am jazz-running in huge strides across this life.

On Monday, we took steps to rescue a dog named Smokey and get him on the road to better health. Yesterday, we took the next step in the process and visited the vet. Smokey seems to be in pretty good health in spite of the mess he was living in. Sadly though, he did test positive for heart worms (not a severe case), so there's no telling what his future will hold. In the next few days, we'll be getting his hair cut and making the decision about whether or not to keep him. The biggest obstacles to keeping him will be the house-training and the traveling.

We'll be getting him groomed on Saturday. And, I think we are changing his name. We don't like the name Smokey so we are trying the name Miles (like the trumpet player). It seems to fit him!

Now just for the house-training and deciding where he's going to sleep...

There are steps we are taking in other areas of life also. I'll discuss those in my next blog.

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