Thursday, September 17, 2009

Time to Think...

I've got lots of it tonight - time to think. I am sitting in my empty music room, in an otherwise empty building, passing the hours as I fulfill my teacher duty and await parent conferences. Our small district has occasional parent/teacher conference nights. This is my first. We are required to stay at school from 7:50 am this morning until 9:30 pm tonight. Parents were invited to schedule appointments with us from 3:30 pm until 9:30 pm. We must stay here even if we have no conferences. Two parents scheduled meetings with me. Their students are good students, so I don't foresee any issues. My first meeting was at 3:45. My next one is at 7:30.

I should be using this time wisely. You know... Lesson plans, grading papers, getting instruments ready to be issued, cleaning and organizing my desk, and any other job-related activities that need to be completed. In reality, I'm just plain lazy and have completely lost me drive for perfection! My poor students deserve better! I just don't have any passion for this right now. Fortunately, as a reward for staying tonight, we do get next Friday off! Yippee!!!!

My time to think is prompting me to consider where I might be a year from now. I have completed one of two steps to apply to graduate school for a Master's in Conducting. No, that is not a degree that would allow me to drive a train! It is definitely where my brain is right now. I know it will be tough to get in. I am supposed to submit videos of me directing an ensemble. Wait a minute, I don't currently have an "ensemble" to conduct! So, I'm going to have to get creative.

On a different note... I quit my weight-loss plan a long time ago. I've all but given up! I need to get motivated again!

Okay, I'll save you from my rambling! Got a parent coming in about 30 minutes. Better get prepared...

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