Monday, October 6, 2008

A much needed family reunion!

This weekend, I took a much needed trip to see my church family in Corsicana. It was so wonderful. It could not have come at a better time for me. It was like I never left. My family at MBC was so welcoming. Talk about making someone feel loved! They sure did that!

Even though I know that God has started us on a new journey, MBC will always be home for us. They will never know how much we love them and how much they've encouraged and inspired us. More and more, I know that they model the kind of church God desires. Whoever said "bigger is better" was gravely mistaken. I will always be thankful for the time we had in that church. And I will always have a huge place in my heart for them!

Thank you MBC for a wonderful time of worship and for your never failing love for us!

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