Monday, October 27, 2008

Not Texas, but...

Okay, Virginia is definitely not Texas, but it's very beautiful! The leaves are turning and they look so wonderful. There are also historical markers everywhere. I hope to take the time to visit most of them. Within just miles of the house, there are Civil War battlegrounds and landmarks. It's a history lovers dream. If I can just get over the Virginians who don't know how to drive. They don't seem to know that you can use cruise-control, blinkers, or that the left lane is for faster drivers.

The weekend was great! Patrick and I actually spent two and a half days together for the first time in four months. We attended church together for the first time since June. We visited FBC, Norfolk. It was such a blessing. Sometimes I feel like we are just getting to know each other again, sort of like dating. As a friend reminded me, we started with very brief phone calls once a week and lots of letters. Then, our first face-to-face date came at graduation. Now, we are talking everyday on the phone and seeing each other on the weekends. I am looking forward to next March when we can actually live together and see each other every day.

Saturday was dreary, wet, and cold, but Sunday was beautiful. We took a walk on the beach front that is a part of the base. It was a lot of fun. It will probably be a lot colder in the coming weeks and months so that may not be an option. So we took advantage of the gorgeous weather.

Monday, October 20, 2008

We're not in Texas anymore, Se-Se!

After a two-day drive in our loaded-down Tucson, Sebastian and I are now "residents" of the Commonwealth of Virginia. It's not a permanent move, but a big one just the same. With some major help from Melody, who put up with Sebastian in her lap for most of a 20 hour drive, we got here relatively unscathed. Saturday, we got to spend the day with Patrick. Thanks to Mason and Sarah giving us room and board, Sebastian and I will be able to spend time with Patrick on the weekends while he is stationed at Little Creek for the next five months.

This is definitely not Texas. From drivers who really can't drive, to the fact that it's actually Fall here, I have a lot to get used to. I will try to blog more later about this new chapter in the journey! Until then, thank you for praying for us!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You Know The Drill...

Open mouth, insert foot! Yep, that's pretty much been my default motto this summer. It is beginning to seem like I've been living on a diet of feet. Yep, it sounds gross, but I don't think I'm the only one who knows the taste.

Apparently, a steady diet of feet is not low-in-fat. I haven't seemed to lose any weight on it, in fact, I've gained. What I did manage to lose is my witness, a relative's respect, and a dear friendship. I know that there's not much I can do to erase the not-so-tasty meal I've been dishing out. However, there is a God who has forgiven my selfish yielding to my sin nature. I praise Him for sending His Spirit to guide me through the painful heartache of missed opportunity and selfish words.

I know that I'll always be in danger of resorting to the "insert foot" diet. It is absolutely mandatory that I pray for words before "opening my mouth." God, guide my words so that I only bring praise to you! Give me words that bless and not curse.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A much needed family reunion!

This weekend, I took a much needed trip to see my church family in Corsicana. It was so wonderful. It could not have come at a better time for me. It was like I never left. My family at MBC was so welcoming. Talk about making someone feel loved! They sure did that!

Even though I know that God has started us on a new journey, MBC will always be home for us. They will never know how much we love them and how much they've encouraged and inspired us. More and more, I know that they model the kind of church God desires. Whoever said "bigger is better" was gravely mistaken. I will always be thankful for the time we had in that church. And I will always have a huge place in my heart for them!

Thank you MBC for a wonderful time of worship and for your never failing love for us!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Midnight Madness

Ever had one of those nights when you're up really late for no reason at all? I can't seem to force myself to get off of the computer and just go to bed. I've been wanting to blog, but the well has run dry...

My husband says he's bored with blogs lately because no one is writing... I guess I am part of the problem. I hate to say it, but tonight, I'm blogging just for the sake of blogging. Pathetic really...

I wish I could come up with a really profound post that packs a punch. Sorry, dear reader, you're out of luck with this one. I'm working on one that may come together in a few days, but I'm just not sure how to say what I'd like without stepping on any toes or digesting my own foot!