I am writing this short post to apologize for the previous post. I've removed it. Although I believe strongly that I needed to post that, I realize it is not a post that reflects moments made for worshiping. We all experience times in our lives that are worth celebrating, and those that are require lamenting. The last twelve months have brought some very major changes into my life. The sad fact is that our daughter has chosen to return to her birth family. Thanks to research on the internet, I have found evidence that this kind of action by adopted children is not at all unusual. In fact, it is very common for children adopted as teenagers to return to their families of origin. This news doesn't make it less sad, just a little less personal feeling. I'm not the only adoptive mom that has endured the heartbreak of a child leaving.
God has shown his love to me this year in ways that are too numerous to explain in this short post. My grandson is growing up and I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of his life, even if primarily on FaceTime. My husband and I both have embarked on new educational adventures that are pointing us in totally new career paths. And we LOVE what we are learning. God has also given us a heart to lead a new ministry at our church that will focus on foster care ministry. No, I am not going to be a foster parent at this time. But, God has called us to bring our experiences into the lives of others as we join His Church in meeting the needs of foster children.
Stay tuned!